Saturday, February 16, 2008


After 17 years if a man pays attention he knows what really makes a woman happy.

Ron knows I like it simple, but lively,

Thoughtful but not extravagant.

Every morning, for more years that I can count, he makes me my coffee just the way I like it... with love, and wakes me starts my day off right.

He knows when to make me eat...
because when Mandy's on a Mission... she runs until she is choking on fumes.

He knows when to make me sleep...because when time is short he knows I try to race against it.

He knows when to anger... because when lack of both makes me confused.

He knows when to ask if I took my pill, because the sensitive times can trigger the prior three.

He knows when I need a hug...because sometimes my shell is so hard to break ..
when he can.. he tries.

He knows what relaxes for his Valentines Gift he brought my coffee,
put on cologne
and made me a list of all the different songs...
of all the different genres...
of all the different times ...
for me to kick back and listen today

Understanding is half the battle.
tribute to my husband of 17 years