Saturday, August 1, 2009

Manic for Music

Wow, what a high I was on for 5 days, a natural euphoric high as my hypomania began into full-blown mania, from recognizing this change I have been able to bring myself down a notch, that and Ron insisting I don’t let myself get any higher. The dreaded crash of it, starting with irritable moods then anger then crashing into depression, but it’s hard to force myself to part with the feelings associated that makes me feel alive, feeling and greater sensation of the pleasures surrounding me, taking the bull by the horns.

I knew I was on my way up with the normal indications, and those days felt good, yesterday turned full-blown. The trigger, could it have been from staying up the previous night not wanting myself to sleep, to enjoy the peace surrounding me and to stay awake to experience the sunrise over the lake on this particularly beautiful day, or was it just the natural process that exceeds hypo mania. Read Full Post Bipolar Mania with music thrown in the mix